The HTTC Ltd.

“The HTTC Ltd.” is able to offer highway, traffic, and transport advice, including the following.

a) The production of Transport Assessments (TA’s) and Transport Statements (TS’s – a simpler TA). This is often the first request of a Highway Authority. This work may include: the consideration of the design, including the safety and capacity, of existing and/or proposed junctions/accesses; the traffic and transport implications of any development proposal; an assessment of the availability of non car transport modes; and, the potential for “green” travel options including green transport plans, school/work/employee travel plans, residential travel plans etc.  

b) Providing advice on the reasonableness of highway refusal reasons, and producing a report, a TA, or TS, to support a developer’s (or objector's) position.

c) The formulation, preparation and production of expert evidence related to planning appeals, Local Plan Inquiries, and roads inquiries, be they written representations appeals, informal hearings, or public inquiries.

Early advice is recommended whenever developments are to be submitted for planning consent. This is the case, particularly where highway, traffic, transport or sustainability issues may be raised as a reason to refuse planning consent. Over the years, The HTTC Ltd. has often been invited to advise on proposals which have already been refused on highway grounds. The company has regularly submitted arguments which have led to the refusal being withdrawn. However, it is usually much easier to obtain a positive outcome by submitting these arguments at the time of the planning submission, rather than to have to seek to persuade the later withdrawal of a highway refusal recommendation.